College Computer Security Policy


ATLAS recommended Computer Security Measures for Faculty/Staff computers or any machine that stores University data.

  1. Full Disk Encryption and/or encryption software should be enabled to protect sensitive information. Strongly recommended to work with local IT Professional on implementation.
  2. Password protection enabled on login and screensaver. 
  3. Anti-virus and anti-malware software installed, updated, and actively monitored. 
  4. Registering machine with campus security to assist tracking if your laptop, desktop, or tablet is stolen. 
  5. Implement a storage and backup plan for critical data.  Talk to your local IT pro on options and implementation.
  6. A process should be implemented to regularly change local admin account passwords.
  7. Regular critical patches/updates should be installed and activated in a timely manner.
  8. For the best protection it is strongly recommended for devices to be registered with endpoint management services.  Please see your local IT pro for details.

For any questions, concerns, or unsure please consult with your local ITpro.

Situations may exist where it is not possible or practical to install all security measures listed above.  Deviations from ATLAS recommended measures will be documented on a case by case basis with agreement from user/dept and IT pro.
