08/31/2023 - ATLAS Care is a computer refresh program that is LAS college wide. The program's goal is to ensure that all LAS faculty and staff have reliable, up to date, and warrantied computers that are on a 5-...
03/16/2023 - The Scantron Results application can be used to electronically distribute the results of a scantron exam from the files provided by CITL. If you are an officially listed instructor for a course, you...
03/16/2023 - We offer workshops on many of the technologies and services that we support including sessions on course certification, online proctoring solutions, and ways to verify student identity. Please ...
03/16/2023 - Many instructors are considering various proctoring solutions as they prepare their courses for final exams and for the upcoming terms. Our team has put together ...
03/16/2023 - We are excited to announce the new CITL Quality Assurance Checklist for online courses. This revised tool replaces the previous Course Compliance Checklist, includes new criteria for engagement, and...
03/16/2023 - Have you ever wished that there was a “google” for your IT questions related to UIUC? While ATLAS is always ready to offer assistance , sometimes you just want a quick answer to a simple question....
03/16/2023 - ATLAS Exam Attendance, a web-based application, offers faculty and teaching support a checkin interface that will both save time for exam proctors and ensure the identity of students taking an exam....
03/16/2023 - Are you trying to answer a question looking at university data? Do you have departmental data you don't know what to do with? Not sure what your university data might be telling you? The ATLAS...
03/16/2023 - Instructors, if you need assistance making sure your course is LAS Online certified, or if you’d like to submit a course for LAS Online certification, please reach out to ATLAS at ...
07/31/2021 - We're evaluating our current processes for delivering email lists. Do you have a need for an Outlook or Webtools email list for students or staff? If your need is based on data that is available in...
07/31/2021 - We would like to remind faculty, teaching assistants, and staff that campus usage of Proctorio, the automated remote proctoring service, will be discontinued after the completion of the Summer 2021...
07/31/2021 - Starting on Sunday, August 8th, 2021 at 12:00 am, Technology Services will begin the regular requirement of a minimum Zoom client version. After this time, Zoom clients that do not meet the...
07/31/2021 - The University of Illinois and the College of LAS have programs to ensure all students have the technology they require to succeed in their classes. Students with technology needs can apply for a...
07/19/2021 - Currently, our college has no plans to make any changes to our Moodle service, but we encourage our users to explore Canvas. Even though Compass (Blackboard Learn) users have to ...
04/21/2021 - This scholarship supports students’ living, transportation, and/or other expenses related to engaging in unpaid or underpaid work in an actual work environment. The work may be an internship,...